Next Big Idea Club

Rownd DOUBLED the rate of sign-ups on Next Big Idea Club's mobile app within days of going live

"We have been very happy with our sign-up rate with Rownd. Over the past few weeks we have seen a massive lift of first app opens to free trial sign ups and now that we have everything behind a paywall and a forced free trial to view content in the app we are seeing a doubling of our free trial starts!"

- Chris Chaput, Co-founder and VP of Product and User Experience, Next Big Idea Club

Next Big Idea Club provides users with access to the world's greatest writers and thought leaders. In addition to getting physical or ebooks delivered once a quarter, authors give in-depth and exclusive content to subscribers. Next Big Idea Club has a website and mobile app to access the latest content.


  • Increase conversion for app users: There is a lot of competition in the app store for book apps, so NBIC needed a way to get traffic from the website to the correct app and then log them in ASAP.

  • React-Native Auth is very static: Most all React-Native mobile apps are stuck with very static and very high friction sign-in pages. Adding tools to move how auth happens can take weeks or months.

Solution: Rownd Mobile SDKs and Wordpress plugin

One of the most pressing matters was to create more flexibility in the sign-in process for Next Big Idea Club's mobile app. Many users were downloading the app, but the sign-in rate was in the mid-30s. Rownd's mobile SDKs made it easy to implement the perfect sign-in flow.

Next Big Idea Club utilizes React-Native for their mobile app and Wordpress for their website and e-commerce subscription management. In addition, NBIC's website and e-commerce platform were running off of WooCommerce in Wordpress. Rownd's easy-to-use Wordpress plugin and self-serve platform made it easy to install and also easy to customize the experience.

With Rownd on both mobile and web, Next Big Idea club now has one authentication strategy and utilizes the flexibility to customize for each platform.


  • 100% improvement in sign-up rate: Increased from 35% to 75% the day after Rownd was introduced.

  • Give growth and product more control: Chris and team can dynamically change sign-in methods without code changes.

- Chris Chaput, Co-founder and VP of Product and User Experience, Next Big Idea Club

- Chris Chaput, Co-founder and VP of Product and User Experience, Next Big Idea Club